- Rates
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Payment system
TalkCRM Care, Your customer management solution for creating loyal customer
Free Trial
$ 0 (free)
- Demo ID for free 7-day trial
- Minimum users: 1
- Basic features of TalkCRM Care
CRM Optimized for Private Clinics
USD 33 $
(1 user/month) (Minimum users: 5)- TalkCRM Care solutions
- TalkCRM Care
- Talk Penchart 2.0
- Talk Kiosk
- Talk CTI (Connection with LG)
- Obesity management - Image storage (free)
- 300 GB of image storage
- 50 GB per month for image traffic
- Increased storage space for additional users - USD 16 $ per person for additional users
- TalkCRM Care solutions
CRM Optimized for Data Marketing
USD 33 $
(1 user/month) (Minimum users: 10)- TalkCRM Care solutions
- Data marketing SaaS CTI
- Connection with websites and mobile phones
- Connection with LG Centrex and DCS - Image storage (free)
- 600 GB of image storage
- 100 GB per month for image traffic
- Increased storage space for additional users - USD 16 $ per person for additional users
CRM for Networking Among Clinics
Clinic Networking
USD Inquire separately
- TalkCRM Care solutions
- Network call center system
- Connection with website database
- Connection with social media database
- Connection with networked clinics
- Connection with marketing database - Landing page builder system
- Establishment of BI statistics customization
- ROAS analysis
- Data inflow analysis
- Treatment service and employee statistics analysis
Build more systems faster and easier
with a wider range of options
Option 01
Start On-Site Support
USD 5000 $
(VAT not included)- Upload existing converted data
- Training for each user part
(Total 2 hours) - CRM operation process training
(Total 2 hours) - Training for representative doctors and managers
(Total 2 hours) - Centrex setup and inspection
- On-site support for stabilization at the day of use (1 day, 1 person)
- Settings control and setup support
- Initial setup for KakaoTalk notifications, automatic text messages, and default text message settings
Option 02
Start Remote Support
USD 2700 $
(VAT not included)- Upload existing converted data
- Training for each user part
(Total 2 hours through Zoom) - CRM operation process training
(Total 2 hours through Zoom) - Training for representative doctors and managers
(Total 2 hours through Zoom) - Centrex setup and inspection
- On-site support for stabilization at the day of use (4 hours, 1 person)
- Settings control and setup support
- Initial setup for KakaoTalk notifications, automatic text messages, and default text message settings
Option 03
Additional Image Storage
- Increased free storage space (per additional user)
- Additional 10 GB image storage
- Additional 2 GB image traffic per month - Rates for buying storage space
- USD 1 $ charged a month
per 10 GB image storage
- USD 4 $ charged a month
per 10 GB image traffic
- Increased free storage space (per additional user)
Option 04
MPI Solution Choice
Inquire separately
(Monthly subscription)- Subscribe only to services you need
- Landing website establishment
- Landing page builder service
- KakaoTalk chatbot reservation service
- Online reservation service
- Online survey service
- Power BI statistics analysis service
- Network call center service
- ChatGPT chatbot service (underway)
- Max Pulse data synchronization
- Accuniq data synchronization
- Medical equipment API synchronization