About Us

Healthcare CRM with revolutionary features from design to final details

Our Vision

Leaping asthe top medicalCRM servicecompanygloballythrough sustainable DX services - Sungmin Networks Co., Ltd. -

About Us

Sungmin Networks is a leader in the medical CRM and CTI software industries.
Most notably, we focus on customized CRM solution development for clinics specializing in non-insured areas, offering marketing solutions for ophthalmic, dermatologic, plastic surgery, and women’s clinics.

Sungmin Networks is a company that maintains a high level of recognition and trust in and out of Korea for its medical aCRM and CTI software solutions.
While providing customized CRM solutions for clinics specializing in non-insured areas, we have proven our technical prowess and product quality with our high market share in the domestic market and our entry into the Chinese market.

We strive for constant innovation and continue to achieve growth and development in various areas, including our cloud CRM solution and patent acquisition in the AI field.
Such achievements are part of our initiatives to create new values and shift the paradigm in the field of medical CRM.

As a company certified to be leisure-friendly, we prioritize the happiness and well-being of our employees. We are oriented towards achieving work-life balance, and we work tirelessly to provide better services with enhanced efficiency. Join us on our journey to realizing a happier life.

Mission & Culture: Our 4 Goals

  • No Overtime Policy

    Experience a happy and healthy workplacewith our "No Overtime Policy"

    We facilitate employees’ creative and proactivetask implementation through work-life balance.

  • Employee Reading Program

    Our " Employee Reading Program" system supports employees' growth!

    Knowledge and information are powerful tools for us.That is why we provide consistent learning opportunities for our employees to enhance their expertise and creativity.

  • Overseas team-building trip

    We hold yearly Overseas team-building trip to improve teamwork and encourage continuous learning.

    During workshops, employees participate in various activities and build stronger connections, which inspires them to develop new perspectives and generate fresh ideas.

  • Performance-based Bonus

    We operate a performance-based bonus system toreward employee’s proactive efforts and innovative ideas.

    This system emphasizes job performance and encourages employees to pursue their goals with greater enthusiasm.

Our Clients

  • 예쁜주의쁨의원
  • 상상의원
  • 서울밝은세상안과의원
  • 서울/부산밝은세상안과의원
  • JM가정의학과
  • 밝은눈안과

We proudly serve as partners to Korea's top 250 hospitals and clinics!
and established around 180 solutions!


Total 6
  1. 1

먼저 비밀번호를 입력하여 주세요.


Certifications, Patents, and Awards

Method and device for monitoring patients

Patent office

How to generate medical information

Patent office

Association rule generation method for data mining based on aesthetic analysis in big data environment

Patent office

Hospital management system_patent certificate

Patent office

AI-based keratoconus diagnosis method_patent certificate

Patent office

2022 Core Industry Cloud Flagship Project Excellence Award - Minister’s Award

Minister of Science and ICT

2022 Reading Management Excellent Workplace

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Selected as a Leisure-Friendly Certified Company in 2022

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Awarded the commendation for Excellent SME Owner

Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business

Recruitment Process

Document Screening1st Interview (working-level staff)2nd Interview (executives)Onboarding

Recruitment Inquiry

Address and Contact


  • Sungmin Networks Co., Ltd.
  • #813 & 814, 8F, 243 Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

  • Tel : +82-2-362-4680
  • Fax : +82-2-362-4681

  • Product Inquiries & Partnerships : help@talkcrm24.com
  • Recruitment Inquiry : admin@talkcrm24.com